Friday, November 28, 2008

this isnt official yet...

but i can say now that i'm (almost) debt free. wee~ :D
i'm excited! finally...phew~

aminul keep asking me to come back home. *sigh* i wish i can pack my bag and leave just like that.

i went to the department store near my home this afternoon. wander around chocolate aisle for about 15 minutes. there's LOTS of chocolate, from ferrero rocher to snickers, toblerone to maltesers, since Christmas is coming. sadly to say, in the end i didnt buy any. WTF kan?

this is so meaningless. later.


LovelyEyna said...

kak sheila, balit gik... hahaha... (ku sik tauk gine aminul nunggah ko...) ;p p/s: ku baruk nunjuk dgn mak ku tek gambar ko di dublin. mak ku padah ko untung pegi siya belajar. so, treasure it, bebeh!!! mmmmuuuaaaaxxxx!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oi,babi.this is when you disturb my sleep.damn you!

calling ppl at odd hours.geez.tell me, how can i not love you??