Sunday, March 23, 2008


i'm watching...

1. sindarela
boorring~ lawak bodo. hate amani n bront. but then the mak tiri is funny, i'm waiting for her appearance ajak.

2. impak maksima the series
cintan cintun pun scenes memuntahkan, skrip confusing. x paham jalan cerita. mala jak ulang drift rah tempat sama. nak mengimpress penonton la konon. and of course, fasha sandha gedik jadi heroin, sesuai la ngan crita bodo kedak tok fasha ya. dem fasha sandha, i hate yuuuuu.....

3. one tree hill season 5
best season 5! but then i hate peyton. always have, always will. lucas should be with me! or at least be with brooke davis.

4. akademi fantasia 6
adohdoh sakit perutku nangga cdak tok berlagu. luchu. sudah2 la astro molah akademi fantasia. suma penyanyi boring. n sora sik sedap. ac mizal x best juak. dah muka sik kacak juak. apa la nak ditangga? muka jaik, sora jaik. mun muka jaik sora kacak kedak ayu xpa juak. adoh pahal ku mala nganok urg tok?? ilang ilmu ku adoh adoh.

heroes, house, greys, private practice, scrubs cepatla episod baru coming. x tahan dah nangga cita bongok tok. cepat2!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


i wonder if the sky is pink would life be cheerier?

would everybody looking up at the sky, with a smile on their face, admiring it?

i would.

p/s: haha. malas nak blaja. so talk crap.
pp/s: pic credit to ds production on flickr.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trip to Co. Clare and Co. Galway...

Fri, 14/03/08

8.30 am
Bertolak dari rumah. Go to Dunnes Store withdraw duit, beli snack. Ambik bas pegi city.

9.15 am
Sampai city, ambik cab pegi tempat sewa keta at Russle Street, Chot wait for us there.

9.30 am
Bertolak ke Galway. Yay!! Chot baca doa before bertolak, amin.

x tauk kol brapa... sejam setengah kemudian (masa jangkaan)
Singgah at Statoil beli minyak, chot perasan tayar keta belakang pancit. Try pam tayar tp pam x berfungsi. asked the makcik inside how to use the pam, then ok. Sambung balik perjalanan, dengan optimistik berfikir tidak mungkin perkara yang sama berlaku dua kali.

5 minit kemudian
berhenti sekejap sahaja untuk mengecheck tayar, so far everything is good.

setengah jam kemudian
berhenti lagi untuk melihat keadaan tayar belakang, maseh ok lagi.

sejam lebih kemudian
berjumpa jalan untuk menuju ke cliff of moher. jalan kecik nak mampus, besar lagik jalan nak pegi ke kpg panglima seman lama. (aie glemer kampung aku masok lam intenet)

sejenak atau beberapa jenak kemudian (selepas macam dah berejam-jam melalui jalan yg kecik itu)
chot memberhentikan kereta, perasan ada tayar pancit lagi. kali ini tayar depan sebelah kiri. masih optimistik? hilang separuh optimistik ku. menukar tayar kereta.

20 minit kemudian
meneruskan perjalanan, jumpa jalan besar, singgah stesyen minyak to ask for direction.

sejam kemudian
dari jalan besar masuk jalan kecik lagi berpusing2, kami tidak sesat. cuma pelik kenapa satu papan tanda cliff of moher pun x wujud. bukankah tempat ini sepatutnya sungguh femes? somebody make a joke (by somebody i mean myself) yang ireland should employ uncle samy. dari jalan kecik keluar ke jalan besar, berjumpa kedai tayar. beli tayar di kedai tayar, kami semua sungguh kelaparan, makan di dalam kereta sementara pakcik penukar tayar menukar tayar. kami semua sungguh sakai kerana berpeluang menaiki kereta terapung. jam menunjukkan pukul 2 petang. cliff of moher masih tidak kelihatan, dan berada sungguh jauh dari jangkauan. tayar 2nd hand cost us 35 euro, 10 euro untuk menampung tayar belakang yang pancit.

jeng jeng jeng detik yang bersejarah.. tepat pada pukul 2.39 petang
pertama kali menjumpai papan tanda cliff of moher!

3++ pm...
at last! sampai di cliff of moher. kemeh lok jap, pundi kencing macam nak pecah nahan kemeh 6 jam.
ambik gamba, video. bla bla bla
sejok nak mati, tangan beku, brain freeze, hidung berhingus.
sadly westlife x molah videoklip masa kamek urg ada di cliff ya. sapa tauk lagu apa westlife molah video klip dekat cliff? lagu nak ada lirik coast to coast ka if i let you go?

5.30 pm
bertolak ke county galway. n i thought cliff of moher kat galway, rupanya kat county clare.

7.30 pm
terjumpa budak malaysia, tanyak cne kedai makan. they are heading to eastern tandoori. we said we'll see them there in couple of minutes.

8.50 pm
couple of minutes, jadi sejam lebih. berpusing2 lebih 5 kali carik eastern tandoori. finally we jumpa the place. its a restaurant rupanya. weird galway people, apesal x makan kat tempat yang people of our age pegi makan? fast food, cheap and unhealthy food sort of place? restaurant tok even karpetkan toiletnya. who do that?? freak! 16 euro gone, eat tandori makhan chicken (warna merah kedak muntah jak rupanya) and pilau rice. nasib bait nyaman.

9.30 pm
bertolak balit ke dublin. try to stay awake. tapi tertido dalam kol 12.

12.30 am
sampe dublin. blink blink blink blink my eyes. nangga jam, takut tersalah tangga. coz dublin happening gila, macam baruk kol 7 petang. people queing kat luar pub, people on the street walking, giggling, making out. (ok i made that up) dubliners are cool~~

1.00 am
sampe rumah.

Pengajaran daripada trip ini:
1. Saya x pandai memandu kereta manual.
2. Ireland tidak mempunyai papan tanda, jadi bersedialah untuk sesat dan jangan lupa membeli peta.
3. Jangan menyewa kereta yang kecil kerana kaki anda akan penat selepas berbelas jam membengkokkan kaki. Lutut anda mungkin akan mendapat arthritis.
4. Jangan percaya kepada rakan-rakan anda yang mengatakan cliff of moher sungguh best, selepas melihat sendiri, saya berpendapat cliff of moher hanyalah batu yang x bermakna apa2. Pegi Disneyland la, best gk!
5. Westlife tidak akan shooting videoklip setiap hari di cliff itu, so tinggalkan buku autograf anda di rumah.
6. Saya sungguh bosan sebenarnya.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Election result...

All that i can say is..... SHOCKING! well the truth is, i dont really give a damn about politics. Everybody lies!

p/s: uncle samy make baju pink diupload khas untuk ehem ehem. u kno who u are. *rofl*

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Sad-face mengucapkan kepada ku:

Happy Holiday!!!

Disponsor oleh: Curious Britney Spears (ngeso perfume baru. keh keh)

Friday, March 7, 2008


do u believe in karma? a week ago, a dear friend send a message saying that her cat died, she cried her heart out while cleaning the blood stain. (accident knak langaar moto) and i stupidly ignore her message. 4 days later, my cat at home died. probably knak langgar moto juak, he came home with bloody mouth and 10 minutes after, he died. (somehow he managed to come home in that condition, and i cried unstoppable for 15 minutes in the lecture hall after reading my sister's message) karma haunting me????

and then yesterday i talked to my little brother, he owned the cat. he brought the cat home last november because he pity the cat. he named the cat ajiman because the cat is so tiny. (coz there's one pakcik at our kampung name ajiman, and he's tiny. haha) my mom named the cat putit (sbab pusak ya diputit) and my sis called the cat monyeng. oh ya about the conversation of my brother and me, i asked him how long he cried when his cat died, (the cat died in front of him) he said "sekda la lamak glak, sejam jak" kah kah lucu kan? and then after i laughed tergoleng2 atas lantei, he said, "kak di lawak gk, nya nangis2 klaka lam telepon ngan mak"

to monyeng/putit/ajiman, may u rest in peace. to aten pun pusak juak.

p/s: no pic, sekda gamba pusak ya. blom tangga gk gne rupa pusak ya gne.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

home is where my heart is...

i love saturday. u know why? because its holiday. i love this saturday (today). u know why? because its my turn to cook today. now, normally i'm not thrilled when its my turn to cook, but why today? u know why? because all the meals that i cooked today is what my mom normally cooked at home. u know what i cooked? ayam masak merah, sayur red cabbage (mom, apparently our family jak mamam sayur tok, since my housemate here x penah tauk pun kewujudan red cabbage) and tempe goreng! how cool is that? we have tempe here! i miss home.. but then its feel like home already when eating today's meal. haha i'm not bad ey at cooking? ;P
oh ya, the other reason i like saturday is because the weather is always sunny on saturday. i miss the sun juak.

p/s: no pics. too lazy.