Thursday, January 28, 2010

because i believe in karma

to: all backstabbers, haters, liars out there

sometimes people said or did something that really hurts you. make you feel helpless, sad, angry. and you cant sleep at night because of that something that he/she did to you. but you know what? i dont give a fuck anymore. because starting from now on, people that keep screwing me over and over are just irrelevant to me now. you are irrelevant. so im not going to waste my time feeling anything about what you did or said to me.

screw all of you, because even though i can be a bit selfish sometimes, but i am a good person. and i never hurt anybody. not intentionally at least. but people keep hurting me. and that is just fucking unfair. its like that im the only person that believe in karma. and all of you dont. thats why you keep hurting people isnt it? and even when all of you screwing me over and over and over again, even then i keep my mouth shut. i keep it to myself. and i dont even know why i did that. to protect this so-called friendship i guess.

argghhh i cant do this anymore. if you people are my friend, why are you this cruel? jeopardizing my relationship with my family. posting something about me in fb and then let others sent hate-comments about me. calling me a psychopath in your blog. and you call yourself a friend? shame on you!

so now i want you ask all of you this, what i've ever done to you? think about it really hard. what i've ever done to you? WHAT I'VE EVER DONE TO YOU?? did i murder someone in your family or something? did i?

and for your info, nothing that you did will take away my good night sleep from me. maybe you should try harder.

Friday, January 15, 2010

live long and prosper

i watched star trek 2 days ago. and oh i fucking love it! i remember a while back when the movie was out, i told everybody that im not going to watch the movie, no matter how awesome it is. at that time, i believed that if i can fight my curiosity just once in my life, i win. me against the world, and i won.

lately, often that i went to movie not because i really want to watch it, but because the review is good. you see, i am a very very curious person. i want to know what the big fuss is all about. take 2012 for example, everybody is telling me about how good the movie was, and as a curious person, i fall into that big conspiracy?/scam?/trap?. (lol) turned out that movie wasnt that good, just mediocre. its a good entertainment, ill give it that, but its lack of the storyline, and predictable, have bad actors and bad script.

and the latest fuss in town is about avatar. did i ever tell you how much i hate sci-fi? and i initially never want to watch avatar, but again as a curious person, i went to watch it. and i think its fucking awesome!

anyway this bring me back to the point, which is that maybe, just maybe i dont hate sci-fi. after all, i love star wars very much. and now i love star trek too! live long and prosper!

p/s: i used to have a friend that when i say may 'the force be with you', he understood right away i was talking about star wars. and i missed that friend when watching star trek the other day.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


so today once again me and the housemates went hunting for avatar 3-d tickets. we actually wish to watch it today but of course when we arrived there tickets for today's show has all been sold out. and so for monday night. (didnt bother to ask for tomorrow. heh) so we have to settle for tuesday, 3pm show.

p/s: weather in dublin is horrible. the temperature up to > -10 C. crazy! somehow i think if i was there i will not survive. i can barely breathe at -2 C. hoho and because of that prof cusack said all the schools in dublin are closed until next thursday.
pp/s: madness isnt it? more reason why we should save the environment! recycle people, recycle!

Friday, January 8, 2010

quick update

so i put back almost all the old entries back in this blog. i deleted some entries that i think irrelevant to present time though. i dont write as much now that im back in malaysia. its because im getting busier and also life is uneventful here in penang. and maybe also because i dont feel anything. im going numb. i mean you cant write if you dont feel right?

watch avatar yesterday. AWESOME gila babi babi babi nak mampus. i feel like crying watching that movie purely because of it's awesomeness. and i actually willing to spend rm17 to watch it in 3d version but sadly the hall is full. so have to settle for 2d. but still, awesome ok.

im going home again on the 19th! fuh fuh im celebrating my bday at home this year. esaited! of all the birthdays that i had, last year is the most memorable one for me. because i celebrated it all alone. walking around dublin looking for a gift, watching slumdog millionaire, eating 2 scoops of ben n jerry, browsing books at eason and end up buying 3 books. love it! i love doing stuff alone.

anyhow now i dont have that much freedom. cant use the car or else somebody will get pissed. there's always somebody. and i hate it when people crossed with me so i stayed home. not that i care that much as i dont have money to spend anyway. heh

yeah and the new year is going super.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

snow is white

i heard its snowing again in dublin. so i browse through my friend's list in facebook looking for pictures. but sadly i cant find one. (but maybe it is also due to my lack of friends in my friend's list. lol)

i like snow. i like it when its white all over. (but i hate cold) so i envy people in dublin right now who can gaze the snow falling from the sky.

p/s: i hope i can touch the snow again. amin.

baby blair, ruby and the kittens(gen 2) and billy (jean)

p/s: baby blair sgt comel skati jak tido rah cney2.
pp/s: billy (jean) itu bukan kucing keluarga Daud. soon mungkin. soon. (kidnap dia cepat!) lol

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

snippet of end of the year holiday

* gambar tidak mengikut kronologi

1. i did learn the rubiks and can solve it.
2. i did went swimming and of course i didnt wear sunscreen.
3. i didnt manage to paint.
4. i didnt manage to finish EM portfolio.
5. i know i'm lazy. overall my holiday is a bit uneventful, but very relaxing. i stayed home most of the time playing with baby blair and watching streaming leverage. and eat lots of durian. and get fat.

p/s: fatin amira, kmk dh tgk sherlock holmes! and i think its BRILLIANT!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


overall, you SUCK!

welcome 2010. bring it on!