Monday, November 23, 2009

money money money

i'm having trouble with money lately. mara gave us a month rm 770, and out of that i need to pay my rent for rm350. and these last two months is the worse, because all the extra money that i have in the bank had all been used up which means i only really have rm770 to spend per month. which is obviously not enough.

and now i can see my parents' view about the whole money thing. how and why they keep objecting whenever i want to go for a vacation, or buying a new camera. i remember that we keep having a fight of how i keep using my scholar money to go for vacations. how i said that it's my money and as long as i didn't ask money from them then i'm free to do what i want with that money.

my principle is simple. it's okay to spend as long as it makes you happy. and that is why i never really care paying for rm10 ringgit for black coffee as long as its delicious. and why i keep planning and going on holiday as it makes me very very happy. but my father's view is very different. he keeps saying that we should save for rainy days and as for students your responsbility is to study, not spending money on unnecessary thing.

we had plenty of arguments over this matter. whenever i'm planning on going on a vacation, my parents would totally be cold to me, which i'm really sad about because of their lack of support and understanding. sometimes i think its very unfair and frustating. when your parents dont understand about your interest and passions.

but now, i'm started to feel that i'm wrong. and my parents are right. because when you had no money left especially when you really really need it, all the happiness that you get from all your vacations, or expensive coffee and ice cream that you eat doesn't make you feel better. and it sucks when your broke. really really sucks.

and i feel very guilty whenever i call my father saying that i want to go back home and i need to used his credit card to buy the flight tickets. i feel really really guilty. because however you think about it, it is so unfair that i keep using his money to buy my flight tickets to go back home but i'm thinking to spend my money on a vacation instead.

so anyway no more vacation for me then. and no lx3. im just gonna put my photography hobby on hold. so much of wanting to experiementing with lomo huh? and as i have nothing else to do then why dont i just get my lazy ass concentrating on studying instead?

p/s: thank god i'm not really into shopping. ;P
pp/s: ten, i think i need to put our plan on hold. but i'll keep praying that mara will give me extra money when the new year comes! lol

Friday, November 20, 2009


i'm very pissed with my classmates today. everybody knows how dr H hates late-comers. and still those people don't know how to be on time. wadefak people!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

away we go


Saturday, November 14, 2009


"bagai mencari bulu di dalam beras" <--- aminul's attempt to say "bagai menarik rambut dari tepung". LOL

oh how i miss him.

p/s: aminul have a gf now. hehe

Thursday, November 12, 2009


i just went to the bank, and withdrew half of my entire saving. and now i feel like crying.

this is the money that i was going to use for my post graduation trip to china. the money that i planned to buy LX3 with, but because of my mom strong objection, i withhold the plan. the money that i planned to used to go to pulau perhentian next year (which i know my mom will strongly object to that idea too). i have plenty of plan for that money. and i withdrew it now to buy what?

diagnostic set that i know i'll used only once for this exam and then let it rust because i'm never going to use it again in the future.

let me mourn for a while. will come back with happy thoughts later. huu :(

p/s: no ps.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


i'm so sorry if i seems bossy. because sometimes i am.

i'm not a perfectionist, but there are things that will bug me if it is not done right. like for example, when going shopping i simply cannot leave the previously neatly folded shirts just like that after i took it from its rack. i will fold it back. little things like that bug me a lot.

that is why when i'm in the hospital, i will throw the wastes accordingly. syringes and needles in the sharp bin, gauze with blood on it in the yellow bin, and paper and plastic into the green bin. so i'm really sorry to anyone if i seems too bossy and tell them where to throw the waste on the correct bin. i'm really sorry if i annoyed the hell out of you, but i can't help it because it bugs me too much.

again, im sorry. i feel bad on telling people what to do, because i know how annoying to that person that can be.

p/s: had a great week doing emergency rotation. didn't manage to do any stitching though.