Sunday, September 20, 2009

maaf zahir batin.

after three years celebrating raya abroad, i have very high hope for this raya. unfortunately it wasnt a good one. nevermind, i never actually like raya anyway, sometimes i hope we can celebrate raya once every 5 years.

happy raya people! hope ur raya is better than mine. maaf zahir batin :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

yesterday was a good day. :D

1. dr S is very nice. not as nice as mr U from taiping, but still he's nice. mind you that most of the surgeon are mean creature and never know how to smile. and he's good looking too. haha ;)

2. mr LSY spotted twice. he's not wearing his pink shirt but still it leaves a very huge smile on my face. :D its good to see him, its been a long time.

3. im in kch. flight not delay. that was a good thing. hehe

4. i love the kittens.

p/s: happy hari raya!
pp/s: dont u just love listening to hari raya song that they spin on radio?

Monday, September 14, 2009


i just realize that i have this weird thing that i do; i will always try to palpate my brachial pulse while passing motion.

Friday, September 11, 2009

food diary #3

sahur: 2 keping roti wholemeal, sesudu kecil kaya. air kosong.

sungkey: nasik briyani ayam, 3 keping samosa, jus tembikai.

leftover food: 2 keping kueh bingka

senaman: tiada. tapi berdiri 7 jam di dalam OT boleh dikira sebagai senaman x?

p/s: arrghhh crap im not compliance to the diet langsung!

Friday, September 4, 2009

food diary #2

sahur: karipap lebihan semalam 1 1/2 biji, sekeping roti wholemeal, 1/2 sudu kaya. air kosong.

sungkey: setengah pinggan nasik ayam, segelas jus kiwi (not my taste), segelas teh tarik ice.

supper (semasa menonton nur kasih): sehiris kek secret recipe pecan butterscotch, segelas jus oren.

senaman: tiada kerana pegi makan di luar.

compliance kepada diet yang disyorkan: maseh juga tidak dapat mengelak dari makan benda manis. dan tidak bersenam..... kamu hopeless.

p/s: mak n bapak datang kl esok, yay!!
pp/s: saya mungkin ada sedikit suka kepada dr choo. *wink* dan ternampak cinta hati memakai baju kelabu pagi tadi. hehe happy2!! :D

Thursday, September 3, 2009

food diary #1

sahur: 2 keping roti wholemeal, tuna, 4 helai daun salad, 1 sudu low fat mayo. air kosong.

sungkey: 1 1/2 mangkuk nasi kerabu lauk seekor ikan kembung, 4 keping daging dihiris nipis, telur masin separuh, sedikit sayur mentah. (haha)
+ sebiji epal + sebiji donut + sehiris kueh bingka + segelas jus oren
belum dimakan sehingga diari ini ditulis: 2 biji karipap

senaman: berenang 30 minit

compliance kepada diet yang disyorkan: tidak begitu berjaya, cuba lagi esok hari. senaman baik, kekalkan. kurangkan nasi, dan tolong berhenti membeli kueh mueh! gud luck!

p/s: esok ada exam cardio, uwaa!