Friday, January 30, 2009


Review buku The Reluctant Fundamentalist.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid.

Walaupun buku ini sungguh dipuji ramai dan akan diadaptasikan untuk menjadi filem, saya mendapati buku ini tidaklah sebagus mana. Akan tetapi cara buku ini diceritakan agak unik, kerana saya belum pernah membaca buku yang ditulis menggunakan cuma seorang pencerita, walaupun pencerita tersebut sebenarnya sedang berbual dengan seseorang. (ok tidak ada orang akan faham ayat tersebut. but actually what im trying to say is, the narrator is actually having a conversation with someone, but only the narrator self is talking in the book. the other person give his reaction, ask questions, etc but we only know this because the narrator told us. oh my god this is confusing, i give up on trying to explain this. so anybody got me? if u still dont, just google Mohsin Hamid interview or just read the book for yourself)

Ok sebelum saya beritahu kenapa buku ini tidak bagus, saya cuma hendak memuji tentang penutup buku ini. sungguh saspens. akan tetapi saya agak kecewa kerana penutupnya dibiar tergantung, but then when u think of it thats what make the ending so brilliant.

anyway this book is not a good read for me (i give up on trying to write a malay review. arggh its just so hard) because it has the same plot as norwegian wood by haruki murukami. the protagonist, Changez is a pakistanis who went to US to study in princeton. hes one of the top student and is described very good at study, even better than american. when he graduate, he then landed on a very good job, earn 80000 usd a year and then one day he just gave that up for this american girl that he loves. the girl is mentally ill, no mentally ill is not the right word. well shes just unhappy. very very unhappy. and then you know, she commit suicide (actually she just went missing, but suggesting that kill herself, they cant find her body, maybe vampire suck out her blood i dont know). that is pretty predictable isnt it? very common story line i'd say fall in love with troubled girl, the girl is troubled because her bf died, resulting in the unhappiness state of the girl and then the girl kill herself. BORING!

so anyway dont read this book, go read Q&A instead. or go read The Kite Runner for 2nd or 3rd or 114th times.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i MISS home.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

about friendship.

i suck at friendship. that is a common knowledge. i think most of my friends know by now that i suck at it. i dont text, i dont call, often forgetting (in some cases i dont even know when) birthdays. and yeah its a common knowledge also that i hate texting. (sorry ina i know i suck because ur the one who always texted me saying how much u miss me)

i wanted to be better at it, but i just cant. i am not thoughtful. like i said i suck at it. i cant do many things at one time, im very bad at multitasking, so having few friends at the same time, i just cant handle it. i can only focus on one person, two at the most.

so i know many of you feel neglected by me. what can i say is, im only human. i've tried to be more fun, more open minded, more thoughtful. but i cant. there always something about ourself that we want to change but we simply cant. u may accuse me saying that i'm not trying hard enough. maybe. maybe not.

so what i'm saying is if u can accept me for who i am and still want to be my friend, go ahead. if u cant, u can ditch me. i wont mind. sure sure it hurts but i get used to the pain now.

dont expect much from me, im so full of myself that what matters for me is only me, me, me.

Monday, January 26, 2009

wanie kata saya bercerita tentang aminul esaited macam bercerita tentang anak pertama...

saya memang adore adik saya yang paling bongsu, aminul akmal. kalau boleh saya nak berhenti med school dan pulang ke rumah untuk bermain dengan aminul. bila lapar, saya ajak dia pegi mcdonald, bila cuaca panas, saya ajak dia pergi ke swee kang. bila bosan, saya ajak dia pergi tengok wayang. bila saya sedeh atau tiada mood, saya ajak dia pergi jogging. (tapi dia sungguh liat diajak pergi jogging)

ya, itulah kehidupan yang saya mahu sekarang. saya cuma fikir hendak bermain2, tidak pernah terlintas langsung di fikiran saya untuk mengajak aminul belajar. haha kerana belajar bosan. tapi aminul memang sangat malas, dia telah mendapat no 2nd last semasa peperiksaan akhir tahun lepas. itu memang memecah rekod keluarga Daud. kesannya, uncle Daud telah menyimpan semua komik di dalam sebuah almari dan telah memaku almari tersebut (yeah, almari tersebut tidak dapat dibuka saya rasa) dan juga telah menyimpan ps2 di tempat selamat. kesan daripada tindakan Uncle Daud pula telah menyebabkan aminul akmal semakin selalu menghabiskan masanya di depan komputer. jadi pada dua hari lepas, semasa sedang berchatting dengan aminul akmal, saya telah mengajak dia bermain online game.

mula2 kami tidak dapat bermain kerana ada application yang belum diinstall. saya yang bodoh IT ini telah menyuroh aminul mendownload dan menginstall flash player. tapi kami maseh juga tidak dapat bermain. mestilah fuckhead, u should install java instead! anyway selepas attempt menginstall flash player maseh juga kami tidak dapat bermain jadi barulah saya terfikir untuk menyuroh dia menginstall java. anyway selepas itu kami pun dapat bermain. mula2 kami bermain checkers. i kick his ass. selepas itu kami bermain chess. aminul baru saja berjinak2 dengan permainan chess dan melalui cara dia bercakap dengan bongkak dia memberi hint yang dia hebat. saya yg kurang cerdik ini memang tidak pernah pandai bermain chess semenjak kecil kerana saya sungguh malas hendak berfikir. jadi saya cuma pandai menggerakkan buah2 chess itu sahaja. aminul telah berjaya menakut2kan saya dengan meng'check' saya 3 kali. but thats it. i still kick his butt. (despite how stupid i am in chess)

selepas itu kami bermain permainan no 3. word racer. ada 4 stage. first stage saya menang. stage 2,3,4 saya kalah mengejut. final score saya ketinggalan 100 mata di belakang. ini bukan kalah tipis ok. ini kalah besar2an. adik saya yg berumur 13 tahun telah mengalahkan saya dalam permainan word racer. wadefak??

saya baru saja bercakap dengan aminul di telefon, dan dia kata dia baru saja balik visiting cny dan telah mendapat rm27. not bad ey? haha dan dia berkata dia telah berjumpa dengan kembar saya semasa visiting tadi. dia kata saya dan kembar saya itu macam marykate and ashley olsen. ini sungguh tidak kool ok?? mempunyai seorang cousin cina yang memang menyerupai kamu almost 100% tidak kool. people always make fun of me and her everytime they see us together. im sure she's embarassed too to have a cousin that you only see once a year and everybody make comments how you 2 look alike. but dem u know we are so alike that its so freaky. maybe next year when i get a chance to meet her i'll post her pics here and u ppl can see for urself.

anyway sebenarnya highlight post ini ialah saya telah kalah dalam game word racer di tgn aminul. itu saja. haha

p/s: hari itu aminul telah berkata dia akan memberi saya 'a surprise birthday present'. sungguh kiut bukan??

because i ditch class so i wrote this...

my life has been forming its routine lately. i sleep around 8.30-9.30 pm everyday and i woke up at 6.45-7.30 am. i know, i sleep a lot. class is ok. i have lost all interest of becoming a doctor and that is why i did not think clinical workshop where u learn how to take a history, inspect, palpate, percuss and auscultate patient is interesting, pardon me for being miss boring.

i am way too lazy to update oren nowadays. eventho i have lots of things that i want to share. for instance, my holiday pics. venice, florence, pisa and rome coming soon, i promise.

last week, i manage to watch 2 movies. slumdog milionnaire and role models. slumdog millionaire was brilliant. superb. extremely brilliant?? i dont know that many adjective to describe how brilliant this movie is. and the movie won golden globe last 2 weeks. its a story about somebody who is from the slum participate into a game show 'who wants to be a millionaire' and get the grand prize. he answers all the questions just from 'street knowledge'. so he tell his story from his childhood until present time (he's 18. a millionaire at 18 huh?) in relation to how does he knows all the answers to the questions. and why he participate in the game show at the first place.

(formal education is important? says who? it will not help you to be a millionaire dude. lol)

anyway the film is an adaptation from a book written by Vikas Swarup entitled Q&A. the movie is somehow turned out very different from the book, but the book is just as brilliant as the movie. so if u didnt get a chance to watch the movie, go grab the book from bookstores now! i promise you with my new starbucks coffee flask that it is brilliant.

role models, its a good watch. entertaining. go watch it. (not very convincing huh? i'm lazy to write a review. haha)

hmm so actually i'm ditching class today because my lecture today is about 'communicating with colleague'. big yawn!

so now i'm going to read The Reluctant Fundementalist by Mohsin Hamid. and oh yeah the other day i was packing my stuffs for shipping and i swear i got like 50 novels here with me. fuh! 50 for 2 and a half years. somehow i still wish i read more.

Friday, January 23, 2009