Tuesday, November 18, 2008


"Remember, there is guilt in loving. And remember too that, in loving, there is something sacred."

"I do not want your admiration now, because I do not want your insults in the future. I bear with my loneliness now, in order to avoid greater loneliness in the years ahead. You see, loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egotistical selves."
-Sensei, KOKORO-

I am obsessing about japanese novels nowadays. I read Kokoro, (in english means 'heart') back in Kolej Mara Banting and it's one of my favourite novel. (despite of reading it in malay translation)

haha i have no idea what to write in here actually, just want to share my latest obsession i guess. last week i read Norwegian Wood, by Haruki Murukami. Its a greeaaat novel, i cant put it down.

But its kind of dark and gloomy. Lets just say after u finish reading it you desperately want to be reminded what its like to be happy. Its either that or the book make you terribly depressed that you want to cut your own wrist.

Yeah so go read Norwegian Wood! It is really that good, believe me!

p/s: my biggest fear would be: mati sebelum sempat habis membaca semua buku yang saya mahu baca.
pp/s: its funny how i always have time to read the novels, but almost always have not enough time to read my lecture notes before exams.
ppp/s: in my spare time, i read wikipedia. (again, why dont i read my lecture notes?)
pppp/s: 3 weeks before the final, and saya sudah mula rasa cuak. WTF??


Nurharith Afnizan said...

i wish i have a library with unlimited number of books in my house. haha.

oren said...

my dream is to open my own bookshop.