Tuesday, April 14, 2009

paloi no 2 while talking to the patient

situation 1
'pakcik, pakcik ada TB ka?'
'ada, 29 inci'


hehe ini bukan saya punya patient, but my colleague.

obviously my colleague was asking about TB-tuberculosis.

situation 2
while percussing (percussion is when you put ur middle finger on patient body and then you tap the finger using ur other middle finger to listen to the note whether its resonance or dull) my patient chest:

'tap. tap. tap'

patient x: nobody's home.
me and my colleague: *blur* what?
patient x: yalah.. u knock knock, nobodys home.


situation 3 (of all the things that ive said to patient, this is the worse. which i still feel terrible about.)
the patient is a 13 year old, present with massive abdominal mass. the xray and ct scan remarkably show the large mass and effusion on the lung. (which i find very interesting to look at)
i was just finished listening to the patient's chest when one of my colleague come and ask what was the problem with the patient. the patient's dad is just sitting in front of me when i said this:

me to my colleague: tengokla xray die, seronok!
the patient's dad: wah..seronok eyh tgk x-ray? (nada sindiran)

so the moral of the story is in the future, dont let me be your doctor as i tend to say hateful things involuntarily.

p/s: izat texted me yesterday asking me to try roti gardenia butterscotch. so cubalah, kerana memang sedap. kalau ada rezeki lebih, beli sekali untuk saya. hehe


Nurharith Afnizan said...

refer to situation num 1:

pakcik ada tb?
ada, lcd 32 inch. lol.

LovelyEyna said...

hahaha... mcm cerita kmk di sekolah dolok lah... "kalaukamubisingsayaakanlaporkamukepadacikgudisiplin!!!!!!!"
..."wah, terernya cikgu rapping!!!!!" :))
p/s: saya ada roti itu sekarang di dalam bilik. memang sedap. kamu mahu? ;p