Tuesday, January 5, 2010

snippet of end of the year holiday

* gambar tidak mengikut kronologi

1. i did learn the rubiks and can solve it.
2. i did went swimming and of course i didnt wear sunscreen.
3. i didnt manage to paint.
4. i didnt manage to finish EM portfolio.
5. i know i'm lazy. overall my holiday is a bit uneventful, but very relaxing. i stayed home most of the time playing with baby blair and watching streaming leverage. and eat lots of durian. and get fat.

p/s: fatin amira, kmk dh tgk sherlock holmes! and i think its BRILLIANT!!


fatin said...

ya ka pink+green hoarding di Bau? huu i imagined brighter colours like hot pink and bright ijo pucok pisang masa u told me. hehehe Robert Downey Jr cool nak? mcm Mr Magoo pun ada. hehehe

oren said...

aie pink ya sik cukup hot ka? ya pun dah silo mata memandang ok. maybe the picture that i took doesnt give it much justice, it actually look much nicer than the pic. hehe aok nang jak nya cool. nya duak watson pun relationship sgt comel. best best!! kmk nak pegi nangga avatar gk. nak nangga apa yg best glak.