Saturday, January 9, 2010


so today once again me and the housemates went hunting for avatar 3-d tickets. we actually wish to watch it today but of course when we arrived there tickets for today's show has all been sold out. and so for monday night. (didnt bother to ask for tomorrow. heh) so we have to settle for tuesday, 3pm show.

p/s: weather in dublin is horrible. the temperature up to > -10 C. crazy! somehow i think if i was there i will not survive. i can barely breathe at -2 C. hoho and because of that prof cusack said all the schools in dublin are closed until next thursday.
pp/s: madness isnt it? more reason why we should save the environment! recycle people, recycle!


fatin said...

watched avatar! in 3D! yeah! thanx for recommending! love the glowing forest~

oren said...

hoho hebat nak james cameron dapat pk gne nak molah forest ya? fucking awesome eyh. dari binatang di darat, pokok2, burung2, etc.. nang genius!

masz said...

wah.. they closed the school becoz it's less than -10C. if they implement that in michigan, we'd have extra what, 4 months break? haha..

that's why. people should watch inconvenient truth, say yes to saving the environment ! =)))

oren said...

hey masz, dublin sik biasa ngan snow. hahaha in uk, sampe petrol kat stesyen minyak pun bekuk. thats how bad it is. ;P