Thursday, October 15, 2009


as a medical student, i have been asked multiple times of my reasons of wanting to be a doctor. and it is one question that i hate the most to answer. last monday, Ms Lee asked my group that question and none of my group members including me can give her a reason why. and then she nagged us for half an hour just because we can't answer that.

it's not that i don't want to answer her question. it's just that i want to spare her from all the bullshits that she probably already heard for the thousand times already, the 'right' answer. 'i want to serve the public', 'i want to help the sick', 'my father is a doctor and i want to just like him because he is my inspiration' bla bla bla all the bullshits kind of answer. after all this is not some kind of medical interview, so i dont have to create fake reasons to impress her.

i remember asking one of the doctor in SGH couple of years ago that question. and what did he answer me? he simply said his reason with three simple words that i will never ever forget my whole life; 'because i can'. and that i think is the most honest answer that somebody had given me so far.

so what i'm saying is sometimes you don't need a reason to like or to want to be something. because there are some things that you just cannot explain and reason it out with words.

can't it just be because i like it very much? but don't get me wrong, i do want to serve the public. hehe ;P

and also the second question that doctors like to ask us, are u enjoying medicine so far?. and my answer will always be the same before, now and in the future. 'sometimes. most of the times'. because there is no such thing that is so perfect that you don't have a slightest moment of hating it eventhough you love it so much. got what i mean? this is not some sort of utopian world, imperfection is acceptable.

p/s: i hate ortho!

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