Sunday, October 18, 2009


i'm very optimistic towards life. the only problem that i have is that sometimes i still live in the past. that i believe things that happened in the past still has some meaning in the present time. that is of course not the case.

people move on. i don't. that is my problem. even though in the present time, while living my life i also encounter new things and make new plans for the future, i without fail bringing stuffs that happened in the past with me.

and that is sometimes making it too troublesome.

p/s: i am (almost) certain that i want to be a surgeon. and hopefully can marry one. ;P


Roserina said...
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Roserina said...

syila, i think sometimes we need to think about things that happened in the past. just so that our feet touch the ground you know... but don't dwell in the past so much lah, hehe... ktk delete semua previous entries dolokkah? hehe... way to go if you want to think happy thoughts! ;D i'm starting over as well.. haha... it's at now :)

p/s: amin... (to that dream of you marrying a surgeon! ;) )

oren said...

lol ina adakah meng-aminkan part kawen ya jak, patutnya meng-amin kan supaya kmk dapat jadi surgeon. ;P