Friday, January 30, 2009

Review buku The Reluctant Fundamentalist.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid.

Walaupun buku ini sungguh dipuji ramai dan akan diadaptasikan untuk menjadi filem, saya mendapati buku ini tidaklah sebagus mana. Akan tetapi cara buku ini diceritakan agak unik, kerana saya belum pernah membaca buku yang ditulis menggunakan cuma seorang pencerita, walaupun pencerita tersebut sebenarnya sedang berbual dengan seseorang. (ok tidak ada orang akan faham ayat tersebut. but actually what im trying to say is, the narrator is actually having a conversation with someone, but only the narrator self is talking in the book. the other person give his reaction, ask questions, etc but we only know this because the narrator told us. oh my god this is confusing, i give up on trying to explain this. so anybody got me? if u still dont, just google Mohsin Hamid interview or just read the book for yourself)

Ok sebelum saya beritahu kenapa buku ini tidak bagus, saya cuma hendak memuji tentang penutup buku ini. sungguh saspens. akan tetapi saya agak kecewa kerana penutupnya dibiar tergantung, but then when u think of it thats what make the ending so brilliant.

anyway this book is not a good read for me (i give up on trying to write a malay review. arggh its just so hard) because it has the same plot as norwegian wood by haruki murukami. the protagonist, Changez is a pakistanis who went to US to study in princeton. hes one of the top student and is described very good at study, even better than american. when he graduate, he then landed on a very good job, earn 80000 usd a year and then one day he just gave that up for this american girl that he loves. the girl is mentally ill, no mentally ill is not the right word. well shes just unhappy. very very unhappy. and then you know, she commit suicide (actually she just went missing, but suggesting that kill herself, they cant find her body, maybe vampire suck out her blood i dont know). that is pretty predictable isnt it? very common story line i'd say fall in love with troubled girl, the girl is troubled because her bf died, resulting in the unhappiness state of the girl and then the girl kill herself. BORING!

so anyway dont read this book, go read Q&A instead. or go read The Kite Runner for 2nd or 3rd or 114th times.


masz said...

Syi!! haha dengar juak kitak cakap kamek utk membeli buku ya then bgtau buku ya bes sik.. haha.. thanks to u, i don't have to buy that book now haha...

oren said...

kamek kecewa eh masz :( kmk ingat nya akan best kedak the kite runner tek. huu