Wednesday, January 28, 2009

about friendship.

i suck at friendship. that is a common knowledge. i think most of my friends know by now that i suck at it. i dont text, i dont call, often forgetting (in some cases i dont even know when) birthdays. and yeah its a common knowledge also that i hate texting. (sorry ina i know i suck because ur the one who always texted me saying how much u miss me)

i wanted to be better at it, but i just cant. i am not thoughtful. like i said i suck at it. i cant do many things at one time, im very bad at multitasking, so having few friends at the same time, i just cant handle it. i can only focus on one person, two at the most.

so i know many of you feel neglected by me. what can i say is, im only human. i've tried to be more fun, more open minded, more thoughtful. but i cant. there always something about ourself that we want to change but we simply cant. u may accuse me saying that i'm not trying hard enough. maybe. maybe not.

so what i'm saying is if u can accept me for who i am and still want to be my friend, go ahead. if u cant, u can ditch me. i wont mind. sure sure it hurts but i get used to the pain now.

dont expect much from me, im so full of myself that what matters for me is only me, me, me.


LovelyEyna said...

i don't give a damn! hahaha ;p if u suck at it, let it be. perhaps that's what makes you "shasheila"... ;D

oren said...

hee thanx ina! :D