Friday, March 12, 2010

hating the present time

now, the present time is officially sucks because i cant buy books whenever i want. because lately i've found so much good books to read but i cant afford them. it sucks big time.

p/s: if God willing, i want to go to redang island again. and hopefully can still meet the tour guide badrul, because we the ungrateful guest didnt get to say goodbye to him and i am still feeling guilty for that.


LovelyEyna said...

syila, the latest book that i bought was sophie kinsella's "twenties girl"! best, aie! ;D i can lend it to u if u want to :)

oren said...

best eyh ina? i gave up reading sophie kinsella and cecelia ahern a long time ago. hehe but i can try to read it. eyh come visit me in penang lar! then u can bring along the book. ;P