Thursday, April 3, 2008

so little time...

whoa. just finished my exam yesterday. yay! i am so depressed and tensi lately. SUSAH GILA BABI ok! sometimes i just feel like crying. sob sob jangan jadi medic student ye adik adik di rumah, itu nasihat kakak. rephrase balit, i always annoyed with people yg salu discourage urg jadi doktor, adik adik di rumah, if u want to be a doctor, jadilah! its hard, but blaja suma pun susah. if u have passion and patient for it, sure can lah! gambatte!

i plan to write about these things: krisis menteri besar terengganu (yep yep i dah stat baca hal politik now), kenny sia (the famous blogger and malaysia model apa ntah nama rancangan ya pun judge), my tumour final exam pun questions, books yang bersusun2 di atas lantai ku yang menanti untuk dibaca, new cecelia ahern's novel is out!!! err what else ha?? i want to comment about bob, mila, af6. n oh yess... cinta baru ku: Nabil si Raja Lawak.

ngeh ngeh now that exam dah habis, maka saya pun menjadi malas secara tiba-tiba. so of course la i'm not going to write about all those things that i mention nak. bengong. pa ta ko ya? (monolog)

ok ok tulis skit la.

krisis menteri besar terengganu: Daulat Tuanku! Sultan Mizan, ur cool! (err masok ISA sik mun madah Agong cool?) Pak Lah, LOSER.

Kenny sia: check out his blog. he's damn funny. april fool riya, i singgah sebentar buat kau tersenyum eh ya lirik lagu hujan, i singgah sebentar kat blog nya and see this weird announcement saying that he quits blogging. at first i was like : WTF Kenny??? and then i reread the announcement again, only to found this tiny thing at the bottom of the page saying "wait, whats today's date again??" he got me! cibeng u kenny. and his latest post about cleo 50's elligible bachelor pun edition. at first he kutuk2 cleo and girls yang baca cleo merendahkan self esteem lelaki yang x tersenarai dalam list ya. i keep reading coz the way he writes about conversation of two girls browsing the magazines is damn funny and gedik, only to find out that he's no 46's on the list!!! nice.

my tumor final exam: my ngek lecturer suddenly changed the question from short answer to essay. WTF peter?? cant u see we dont do good on our midterm?? its only an elective subject fo God sake. and then he post up few sample question:

1) Write an essay outlining and tracking the processes and techniques involved in extracting clinically useful information from specimens to generate a surgical pathology report.

2) Write an essay outlining the differences and similarities in the features and techniques used to diagnose carcinoma and lymphoma.

3) Write an essay discussing the factors effecting prognosis and outcome for patients with malignant disease with particular reference to:
i) the usefulness and limitations of traditional histopathological assessment
ii)the opportunities offered by emerging techniques in molecular cell biology

dont worry if u dont understand a thing what he's asking, i dont juak.

books: i currently have 3 novels on my waiting list. (susah doe mengawal diri dari membaca buku cerita semasa musim exam) Things i want my daughter's to know, the kite runner (hv u watch the movie? its good. really.) and men are from mars and women are from venus. (haha lamak dah nak baca buku tok) and also cecelia's thanks for the memories is just released, but i havent buy it.

bob, mila, af6, nabil: bob, he's just superb lah. performance masa ABP last sunday was fucking awesome. mila, i lyke ur song! mila bila cinta and aku lebih tahu duak2 best. cayalah, wazzup wazzup! af6 maseh boring seperti biasa or shud i say fucking boring? nabil. uwaa bang bil i lerp u! sesiapa yang belum lagi melihat atau mengenali nabil si raja lawak sila layan raja lawak di youtube sekarang! nabil best!! ka ku sorang yang sik kenal nabil sebenanya? lekak dah abis competition baruk nak nangga?? lu pk la sendiri~~ (u claimed that ur depressed pasal xm and yet u still managed to catch up on all these shows. gne ya?? xplen ckit!)

ok ok ku nak kench lok jap and then sambung nangga ayat-ayat cinta. nak nangga mena ka cita tok best glak. last nite nangga dunia baru the movie, best juak. ok lah... elyana rambut kaler ijo? WTF??


fatin j said...

'cibeng u kenny.' HAHA sgt monotonous n bekesan. apa kah? aok ambut elyana belumut lm muvi ya, tapi like i told u, ambut nya dah bekarat time muzik2 riya. gelik x? how come u kno beter bout al d latest ting dat happened in m'sia oo? i dunno who's nabil juak until apiz told me nya menang season 2..? n apa ayat-ayat cinta? adodo. btw pokok pusak dah bedaun ritok tek. cepat juak oo.. baruk ri marek nya gondol. nang berantu pokok ya. yah yah. dah kedak blog juak tok.

oren said...

hal hal mesia ya, i got my informer. my mom, minul, raj and rezal suka jak nyuroh kmk nangga or nenga benda pelik2 tok. and internet juak. i maca paper evy day. (idup ku boring bah) nabil raja lawak ya rezal nyuroh i nangga aie, and i dgn lawanya menolak. ntah camne ntah pande tergerak hati nak nangga indah sabtu lepas. alu lekat aie! n i xpenah tauk pun ada raja lawak season 1. haha ayat ayat cinta cita indon. cita ya glemer nak mampus rah indon. (rasa-rasanya) n glemer juak dikalangan kawan2 ku disini. start glemer dari novel dolok, i blom baca gk. balit mesia nak nyarik lok. i'm curious bah apa yg best glak. pokok pusak ya mun berdaun jadi kedak pusak sik u rasa??