Sunday, January 20, 2008


i might have a sleeping problem. its very hard for me to fall asleep these few days. last night and the night before, i blame the 'bunyi angin'. but tonight? no angin at all. its such a silent night, but here i am, struggling very hard to sleep.

its my brother's birthday today. i tried calling him but he didnt pick up, for sure he's still sleeping. i suddenly teringat mom's laksa sarawak today. she cooked laksa every year when it comes to rezal's and my birthday. maybe i should cook laksa this weekend. okeh. self reminder: go buy bihun and limau kasturi.

i've been thinking about my birthday present. what do i want for my 22nd birthday? duvet cover? bed sheet? study lamp? actually i want high heels. for real! yeah maybe i'll get myself a pair of high heels, as soon as i get the allowance for next month. my mom will be pissed. haha she's been monitoring what type of shoes that i bought all these years. n so far i only have one pair (of high heels), all because of her objection with the famous statement 'kelak tergugok make kasut tinggi (nanti jatuh pakai kasut tinggi)' she did have a good reason for saying that though, its because i always injured myself whenever i wear the wrong pair of shoes or sandals (the non-flat one, even though its only half-inch high). its like the only thing that i can wear without injuring myself is selipar jepun and trainers. haha even pakai sport shoes pun boleh jatuh gak ari tu masa jalan kat atas snow kat salburg. i need a new shoes, tapak dah x grip. huhu i remember masa jalan2 ngan wanie at labuan few years back, i tripped almost 10 times. what a freak!

errgh this entry is so boring. i cant think of anything interesting to write. nak buat review movie? its been a month since the last time i saw one. ps i love you. i heard they havent show the movie in malaysia. hmm the movie wasnt that bad, wasnt that good either. its forgettable, thats all i can say. i have a good time while watching it, i cry when the husband die, then laugh during the funeral scene (was it funeral or memorial?) then cry some more when holly miss gerry, then laugh some more when gerry left holly with something stupid to do. and smile widely whenever holly get a new letter from gerry, seriously the way gerry left all the letters, its very very very sweet. but like i said, the movie is forgettable, once ur out of the cinema u forget who holly was. u forget how sweet gerry was, u forget their love story. its not haunting. but the movie is more interesting than the book though.

hmm its getting late. i guess i better try to sleep once more, but before that try calling my brother once more. i hope he'll pick up this time. daa~

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