Wednesday, April 27, 2011


facebook is scary. i think i spent more than 3 hours on facebook each day. scary isn't it?

the scary thing about it is you didn't even realize that you spent that much time on it. i rarely stalked people, i spent most of the time playing cityville/farmville. but when i start stalking, its like i cant stop. there's so much people in it! celebrities! sportsmen! people from the past! high school sweetheart! primary school sweetheart! mom! brothers! sisters! frenemies! present people! interesting people! people who currently live in japan/korea! people who work in sarawak government hospital! people who recently got engaged/married. and so on.

a friend used to say to me that stalking people on facebook sometimes make her depressed. because somehow you think your life is not as interesting as theirs. somehow i can relate to that now.

well, now that i know stalking isn't healthy, so i definitely will stop. but how do i stop from playing farmville?

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